Tips & Resources

Mental Health Awareness Month: The Connection Between Food and Mood

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, let’s dive into the significant connection between our mental wellbeing and the food we eat. The intricate relationship between what we eat and how we feel—both emotionally and cognitively—is fundamental to understanding how to care for our minds.

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New Year, “New You” Series: The Power of Your Purpose & Finding Your ‘Why’

As the new year unfolds, many of us consider resolutions like weight loss, dieting, or cutting out certain foods. However, before stepping onto these paths, pause and ask yourself, “Why? What is my true purpose?” Often, you’ll find that your true purpose extends beyond any specific goal or number on the scale. It calls for a more profound exploration and dedicated time for self-reflection.

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Embracing Joy in Maine's Fall Season - An Intuitive Eating Dietitian's Perspective

The fall season can bring great pleasure as the leaves transition from green to vibrant oranges, reds, and yellows– orchards teem with apples to pick, pumpkin patches to wander, and hay bales to provide a place to rest your feet. Fairs begin to pop up in town after town, sharing a rich history of agriculture, familiar foods, and grin-worthy rides.

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